Three friends : Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow at the Time Coffee shop
Three friends: Today, Tomorrow and Yesterday decided to meet one day. Yesterday called up Today and told him to call up Tomorrow and tell him to meet at the Time coffee shop. As decided Yesterday arrived first and was waiting for Today and Tomorrow to come. Today on the other hand was already sitting inside the coffee shop wasting time waiting for Yesterday and Tomorrow to come. Suddenly, Yesterday noticed Tomorrow approaching the parking lobby and he waved him. Tomorrow parked his car and came and hugged Yesterday. After exchanging greetings both decided to get inside the shop instead of standing outside and waiting for Today. There did see today sitting on a table texting to friends on his smart phone and also reading his emails. He was laughing at one of the text messages when Yesterday and Tomorrow approached the table. Today looked up a little with a frown. He then got up and hugged both Yesterday and Tomorrow. All three sat and ordered their favorite coffee. Yesterday start...