Death:Foe or Friend?
Death:Foe or Friend? Being a freelance counselor, gives you a lot of chances to experience different kind of pains without actually facing the situations. I am often consulted for grief counseling. Grief, a small word, has a huge and varied impact, on different individuals, experiencing it. I never visit hospitals to meet the ill or do not go to funerals to pay my respects to the deceased. I cannot be trusted with my words there because I get scared at these two places. As a child I have had a tough time seeing my dad in hospital and my mother crying every day. That memory has given birth to a phobia in my brain towards hospitals. Funerals are the last place anyone would want me to be at. An imaginary brain that is addicted to finding laughter in every essence of life is the most pathetic asset someone would want to carry to a funeral. However, my problem is I cannot detach this asset whatsoever. I would not be surprised if I do not attend my own funeral for the fear of laughin...