The Wrapper Theory
Many of the issues in life are pretty simple, but we humans have an amazing art of complicating things. We are so addicted to being accustomed to stress that when there is no stress in our life we become even stressed about it. In my years of observing people and reading their behaviors I have come across many such examples. I am now working on my new company and I am always very busy with its work. I mostly travel. My counselling work and writing blogs had taken a backseat. Day in and day out I am busy with marketing and sales strategies and understanding the product line and the market strategies. I was having my dinner and got a call from a friend. She sounded a little sad. I told her I would meet her at our regular coffee joint after dinner. I did not ask her what she was sad about. Basically after years of reading behaviors and observing people you develop the knack to know what is troubling them without even asking them. We met at the regular coffee joint. We brought...