The day I Met the death Angel..
Met the death Angel. Since my childhood I have been taught lessons in ‘Karma’. Born and bought up in a Jain household it was like an inseparable part of my parents’ upbringing. Especially, when, I come from a family that has 11 individuals who have renounced the world and entered into monkhood. Some of these 11 monks even sold their Ferraris and some gave away a lot of money as charity that they had earned in their lifetime before accepting monkhood. I wish they could have thought of giving away that money to me for business. I was always taught that a bad Karma will always bring a bad response to me in life and that when I meet my death angel he will calculate it and pronounce me imprisonment in hell. As a kid I was scared of ghosts and mom always told me that the death angel is very terrifying in his looks. I don’t know why the Hindu mythology is so gender biased, why can’t the death angel be a woman rather than a man? Well that can be discussed later I guess. So, being a kid I...