
Showing posts from September 29, 2014

God will provide?? Think again..

God will provide?Think again Since ages, I have heard sentences such as, “Believe in God he will provide for everything. He will take care of you. He will hear all your prayers.” Since the age of 14 I have been into questioning this stuff and was always into some or the other problem because of this. My parents often had arguments on this issue with me. They are strong believers of religion and God. I do not blame them; they belong to a family that has given 15 monks to the religion and a lot of knowledge to the religion. This kind of a family background is responsible for such strong belief in God. However, there is always an exception in everything and on 28 th December 1985; this exception to their family was born in the form of their son. Well, as I grew up my parents came to know that I was different and they knew I had a very different thought process. My dad always supported my thought process but still tried to convince me about religion. I did not believe much in religi...