It is difficult to live in this busy world which has a lot of questions on belief and disbelief. Have gone through so many things in the world that sometimes I agree with the non believers in God, miracles and faith. But the believers also have concrete reason too. I know many go through this dilemma in life. Sometimes in grave situations our faith is tested and sometimes it is answered in positive sense. But sometimes it just leaves us with a question. The question of belief or disbelief. I am going through this battle since a long time now. Broken dreams, broken aspirations and this one question. I was too tired of the war within so I put the two situations belief and disbelieve at war. Here is what I recorded in the conversation between them
Belief: hello friend how are you?
To this disbelieve replied sorry I am not your friend. Belief told, this is what you believe right. To this disbelief said yes this is what I believe and here belief smiled as disbelief also had a belief. Simple isn’t it but yet there will be people who would question this belief. But they do this questioning on the basis of something they believe.
I met a person recently who had a lot of research done in this sector of life. Of course people around would be very surprised to know that this person was just a 2 year old kid who could not even spell the whole words belief and disbelief but he had explained to me the only truth in life that belief means a lot. He believed even he falls while walking his uncle is there to pick him up as his mother has entrusted him to his uncle. My sweet nephew taught me the lesson to believe in God in a similar manner. His smile at me said it, uncle just believe in God the way I believe in you and see one day he will answer all your prayers. Thank God I am a good writer


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