Raju Barks Again

Winters have hit INDIA. It’s really amazing to feel the breeze, the cold breeze on the face when sitting on the terrace. Just silence, a coffee mug and you, the three best friends ever sitting and discussing the only topic life.
A funnier prospect given to this would be discussing politics with a stray dog. A stray dog can give an insight into the political scenario as no one else can provide. The best part is he won’t even have to shout out like our political leaders on top of their voice, he won’t need to throw chairs at us and he wont even need a speaker. All done in a very cost effective manner in today’s much expensive INDIA.
When asked about the political scenario in INDIA, Raju remained silent for a long time. He always is busy thinking deeply into the scenario. He didn’t speak but his eyes did. They were filled with tears as he knew the country has gone down to gutters rotting each day with the political leaders raping it. To top it the entire crime rate is increasing day by day as the governing authorities are busy claiming their right over the chair. Further more, his eyes complained about one thing, starvation not of animals but about the whole humankind. Humans do not have enough money to buy their daily bread in INDIA and in turn the common man in INDIA no more wastes his food, the food which can be in turn given to the stray dogs and cats.
His first bark made it clear that not only the human population of INDIA but the domestic animal population and also the wild animals population is not happy with the current government. His bark says that the animals are already deprived of the right to vote, if they were ever given a chance there would be a huge problem for the existing government. He also barked that the wild animals are being killed by poachers and the government is not able to do anything over it as it is busy with its issue of who will be the prime minister.
Barking further he also mentioned that people like Anna Hazare are insulted by the government and Satans like Ajmal Kasab are being pampered. The government should now give us a detailed picture as to what is it still investigating from him since the last 3 years. If he isn’t interested in talking then why money, energy and taxes wasted on his security and his food. Is he some VIP or is he going to be put into a museum of terrorist and INDIA would get revenue from showing him to the world and claiming that we have captured the first live terrorist. Gosh give us a break he isn’t a dinosaur for God’s sake.
The bark goes immense when asked about the recent murders in the cases of eve teasing. When asked in deep the only thing that the bark could sound as was “NO COMMENTS” he mourned a lot for those dead in such cases and was thinking that how the world could let this happen. He barked that the humans have lost it, they are slowly turning into dogs and we dogs, now understand how to become humans.
There were a lot of issues to be discussed further but he wanted to be on a flight to Dubai, where he claims he will arrest Dawood for the country and get him back so that justice can be done. It was amazing to talk to him have a coffee on the terrace of the apartment building which he guarded


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