God Should be Elected..........
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Lets see who wins God or Devil. The winner should rule. |
Hi friends,
Its been a long time since we all speculating the next PM and we are very happy to have a nice candidate as a PM for us. Our country is finally in safe hands. Now, we can relax and sit back and enjoy the profits of this new PM. We all have dreams and we believe he will fulfill them.
Weird isn't it to solve the problems of the country we have a PM and we always believe that we have chosen the best. Have we chosen the best for our personal problems, personal depressions, tears, heartbreaks? Think again have we?
I know many would say what kind of stupid and crazy kind of question is this and what does choosing someone for our personal problems and issues has to do with the countries PM. It has nothing to do with the PM directly but with the procedure we are going to choose the PM.
We all have been taught since childhood that GOD is the one who helps us in our times of needs and that he is the one who fulfills our wishes and he is the one who decides our fate. He is the one who has all the powers and can do anything, only he can grant a particular wish or reject it and he claims to have done justice since years. Many believe in God and many do not. I am stuck in between I know he exists but I still have an issue with that idiot stupid entity who claims he is God.
Give it a thought has he always fulfilled our wishes most of the answers would be quiet philosophical and quiet even interesting to listen to but practically if we get a poll conducted each person would say 90% of the time God has not fulfilled their wishes. Then why do we worship such a God? Why do we pray to him? Why do we have faith in such a huge highly exaggerated pathetic lie?
I asked this question to my mom and as orthodox she is she answered that is is all because of your past life karmas. Now, this is the kind of stuff a pathetic Government who does not function properly does. It gives excuses and tries to lure the common man into pathetic things and reasons. Its the same with God his excuse is Karmas. Actually he is someone who has gone all hay wire and has ruined everything. He has lost his own mental balance.
Many would agree to the fact that many times we have seen the bad get everything and the good suffer. Is this what God is all about? And past life karmas who the hell has ever seen that past life or the life after this life. Its all the present nothing else. So if a man is into huge financial troubles and he steals money what will you call him a sinner? No I guess he has done the correct thing. But again he will be told that you will be punished in the next birth for all this. Isn't all this a huge hoax to make us believe in God.
Why can't we have an election for God? Why can't we choose whom we want to be God? Why do we have to live with this slow motion God who grants wishes sometimes after the person has died? Why can't he be a little fast track and grant wishes immediately why the wait? If prayers is all he needs then why not grant the wish the moment someone prays? There will be many who will give me explanations regarding this but again all those explanations would be from that same old book of hoax.
Devil is not bad just that he is fast track and he thought way beyond his time so his thoughts weren't respected and he was thrown out of heaven by God. Now wasn't that a bit called as being partial by God. God threw away all the oppression and free mind thinking just because the devil spoke against him. Why can't the devil be allowed to be God? Why do we have to follow rules and theories laid down 1000 years ago and which do not hold even for a minute in the modern day? Why can't we question God? Why does he always have to meet us in disguise and not directly face to face man to man. ? What is he scared of ?
God exists or not isn't something I wanna discuss. If he exists I don't think the correct way to make his followers strong is by giving them problems throughout. Agreed that he has to give us problems to make us strong but then he never rewards us healthily and whole heartedly for our issues and tensions we face. These days he has become like the INDIAN GOVERNMENT no justice no happiness nothing at all only problems more problems and many many more problems.
I finally wanna conclude that faith is now quivering and I guess God soon has to decide about stuff or if not the world or anyone at all I am planning to question him and may be even try and contest an election for the same.
Really nice!