
If ever I get an opportunity to bargain my breath for your smiles I will willingly do it, you know that. I often say I love you not to hear your response in return as ‘I love you too dear’ but to feel the beat my heart has at that very instance when I say those words to you. Every time I hug you my soul feels the warmth, which it had missed since many incarnations and reincarnations. I could easily walk away and not notice what is going on around when I am deep in conversation with your eyes. I do not remember the last time I slept without thinking about your smile. I wish to give you more and more smiles. I know I am being selfish in doing that, after all if it wasn’t for your smiles I would have never woken up to the world ever. Every day it’s your voice that is an early morning melody to me which actually spreads a sweet fragrance in my mind. I could just go on for hours and hours listening to you sitting at that coffee table where we first met. You have so much to say I have so much to hear that fact brings a smile to my face I want to always be intoxicated with the feeling of being with you, of being in your arms.
I am so deeply connected to you that my heart aches to see even a single drop of tear in your eyes. I can bargain with God for your happiness though I have my own tiffs and differences with him. I can beg him to spare you smiles forever and if he wants, in return, he can take away each drop of blood from my veins. My happiness will always be incomplete if I don’t see you around. I have huge ambitions, but achieving them would be stale if I don’t see you clapping for my success.
I am not good at singing, but I wish I could sing you all the feelings so deep in my heart for you, giving away everything I have to you and asking nothing in return. I belong to you.
I could call you by many names. I could call you my life or my universe, could call you my breath or my heart beat, but all that is so common isn’t it? I just want to call you mine. I just want to call you My……. I do not want to complete this statement as it would take me at least a 100 lifetimes to get the exact word to fill this blank and I just want to keep living more 100 life times lying to you that I didn’t find the exact word, and a 100 more giving an excuse that I could find a better word and a 100 more to find another excuse to keep living a 100 more lifetimes just with you.
Your love has defined my very existence,
 Your smile is my motivation my persistence. For you my darling I will go that extra distance.
 So much I have to give to you in my life and so much to make you smile, just that fact brings a smile to my face.
I live for thee,
I would die for thee,
Whenever you need me,
My darling with you I will be.
Do not ever go away from me,
Without you I don’t know what I would be.
I hope I have been able to express my love for you in a manner that could make you happy. Often in our daily lives and routines I am never able to speak the true feelings of my heart with you. I know, you know how I feel for you, but sometimes, just sometimes it’s important to express it.

Sweetheart, as I said I could call you by many names, but I would just like to call you My…………… I am just Your………….. When love is so deep I don’t think it matters what we use as a metaphor to describe ourselves, we are just going to be Your and My.
With this I conclude my letter to you. I love you.

While sculpting this piece of literature I have clearly broken rules of Grammar and language and also vocabulary. For a writer it is a crime as good as murder. But Love is a complete different language. Deep romance, deep within the heart for that special someone. Words flew out on the laptop and enchanted me with what a piece it created.I have never been good at writing romance before, but every writer has to challenge the boundaries of his comfort zone to create masterpieces. I hope this piece is good enough for a start up. 


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